Re-Introducing Ballpark

Your business shouldn’t keep you up at night.

You finally call it a day and leave the office. The moment you walk in the door at home, that feeling hits you: you forgot something at work. You’re not sure what, but you’re convinced that you’ve left something unfinished, unsent, or unpaid.

You spend the rest of your evening distracted. You’re up late after your family goes to bed, scrolling through todo lists and email on your phone, desperately trying to remember what you forgot.

Finally, you understand what happened. You forgot to leave work. You physically left work for the day, but your mind stayed behind. 

I know this feeling all too well. At Simple Focus, this constant worrying led me to reimagine Ballpark as a tool that keeps my business from keeping me up at night.

That’s what we’re announcing today: Ballpark has been completely redesigned to give you the information that matters, so you can leave work at work. The new and improved Ballpark is not junked up, but it’s got what you need to run a serious freelancing business or growing agency. And it’s oh-so elegantly presented.

Wiggle Free

Ballpark exists to bring order to the chaos of running your business. There are plenty of time tracking apps, and there are even more invoicing apps. But none of those apps have all the tools and data you need to run an increasingly complex business with a simple interface that feels effortless. 

In short, we built Ballpark 3 because we need and want Ballpark 3. And our bet is that it’s what you’ve been wishing for, too. 

Ballpark is still simple enough for a solo freelancing business, but now it’s powerful enough for growing agencies like ours. In other words, you won’t outgrow us. 

If you use Ballpark today, thanks for sticking with us as we’ve grown. We hope you love the new version as much as we do. 

If you used Ballpark in the past but moved on, it’s time to give it another look. If you don’t use Ballpark and are ready to move on from your current invoicing solution, let us know. We know that switching invoicing and time tracking software is a pain, so we’ll set up your account for you, for free, no strings attached. That’s how confident we are you’ll love Ballpark. We want to earn your business. 

We’d love to hear from you. Email us at, or chat with us on Twitter.

– JD Graffam