August Update: Archive Clients

August was a busy month, with lots of time spent on annoying updates to our payment processor. But we did find the time to work on something more fun, and a much-requested feature: Client Archives. Just a reminder: in Ballpark, “Clients” refers to Companies and Contacts.

Previously, you could only clean up your client list by deleting clients. This was problematic, because when you deleted a client you were also deleting their associated invoices. That’s a little extreme, so we added the option to archive a client instead. When you archive a client, any associated invoice will remain in your invoices list, even if they’re still open. You can still delete a client if you really really want their information removed from Ballpark, but archiving will let you tidy up your client list without being so destructive. 

You can also archive individual contacts within a company, instead of having to archive the entire company. You can see a complete list of all archived companies and contacts by going to Clients, then choosing “Archived” in the white navigation bar.

We’re pushing Archive Clients live next week, so be on the lookout for that. 

We also pushed a few bug fixes and other improvements this month:

  • Emails: If you don’t have a logo for your company, we formatted your company name to look better in emails
  • Emails: Add links to accepted/rejected estimate notification emails
  • Timers: resuming a timer from a previous day won’t duplicate billed status 
  • Invoices/Estimates: Focus on quantity field after clicking new line (for faster input)
  • Invoices/Estimates: Adding a reusable item to an estimate or invoice works better now, and fixed a bug where reusables were duplicating on creation
  • Invoices/Estimates: Removed the discussion from the print version of invoices
  • Invoices/Estimates: Lines on invoices and estimates now respect custom and default kinds
  • Comments: fixed bug where comments weren't showing up after being added until page refresh
  • Fix encoding issues in Activity Feed and page title
  • Dashboard: Activity feed remembers last filter choice

We’re still working on our timesheet designs, but as a preliminary step towards better time tracking we’re working on building out a way for you to designate categories as “billable” or “unbillable”. This is another top feature request that we’re very excited to launch.

As always, please drop us a line at and share your hopes and dreams.

We’ll be back next month with another update.